A frightening femicide is killing
thousands of women and girls
throughout Mexico, and many more
are sexually assaulted. Legions of
survivors demand change.
Mexico’s women are fighting mad and fighting back.
There is so much to fight against. International human rights organizations and law enforcement estimate that between 80,000 and 100,000 Mexican women and girls are missing. Amnesty International investigators say at least 10 women and girls are killed every day in Mexico, about 3,650 every year. The Mexican government, after years of denial, says the number may be as high as 4,000 a year.
Mexico’s war on its own women has gone unabated for nearly a quarter of a century since mass graves were discovered on the outskirts of Cuidad Juarez. Tijuana is also an epicenter of femicide, according to Amnesty International. Victims include grandmothers, pregnant women, teenagers and even young children.
More than 1,000 vocal women and teens marched on the mayor’s residence in Tijuana on International Women’s Day to demand an end to Mexico’s cancerous femicide epidemic. Men were not allowed. Male party crashers were chased away.